Free Webinar on Making the Leap to a Micropreneur

If you’re not familiar with the term “Micropreneur”, you’ll likely hear a bit more about it in the coming months. To give you a really short description, a Micropreneur is basically the owner/founder of a Micro-ISV. Ah yes, another acronym to explain. A Micro-ISV is a small, independent software vendor. That’s basically a term that…

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The Biggest Roadblocks to Your Success

It’s a few hours late, but here’s my final notice on this blog for a new episode of the “Startups for the Rest of Us” podcast. Episode 3: The Biggest Roadblocks to Your Success Unless we do something really cool there, you’re not going to hear about it again. As a side note, I fully…

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Stupid Reasons to Start a Software Company

The second episode of our free podcast named “Startups for the Rest of Us” that Rob Walling and I created is live at our podcast website. This episode is titled “Stupid Reasons to Start a Software Company”. You can either listen to it in your browser or download the MP3 and a full written transcript…

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Podcast Launch: Startups for the Rest of Us

In 2006, I had been self-employed for less than a year. I knew a decent amount about business and a whole lot about technology, but wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do. I had been involved in a startup called “Pedestal Software” for the previous few years and it was sold to Altiris to…

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The Single, Most Important Secret to Success

About 6 weeks ago, I had dinner at a pizza place near Boston with some fellow developers. We were generally discussing various aspects of business, things to do, things not to do, etc. One of the guys asked me a question that I feel like I get quite frequently: “What’s the most important thing you…

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The Builder and the Salesman

I published a popular article named “The Single Founder Myth” a few years back. In this article, I contended that contrary to popular opinion, it was not impossible to go it alone with a software startup and be successful. To clarify up front, what I mean by “going it alone” is that you build up…

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Podcast appearance on .NET Rocks

Fellow blogger Rob Walling and I were featured on the .NET Rocks podcast yesterday. You can check out the interview here. We’ve been featured on a few other podcasts for the Micropreneur Academy that we put together last year. When I get a chance, I’ll post the links to those podcast interviews.

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Be Smart, Make a Ton of Money Doing Stupid Stuff

Several weeks ago, someone pointed me to an article on a blog I’d never read before. It was very profound it its simplicity. It was called Smart People should do Stupid Stuff. The basic concept of this blog post was that there are millions of dollars to be made doing things on the internet that…

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Demote Your Product Manager, Release Better Software

When it comes to software, my second biggest pet peeve is software that doesn’t work. By that I mean software that blatantly doesn’t do things that it should fundamentally be able to do. For example, things like… I don’t know… like maybe changing the administrator password of the application to something other than “admin” without…

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